Peer-Reviewed Publications
Pfeiffer S, Sealy J, Harrington L, Loftus E, Maggs T. 2020. A Late Holocene community burial area: evidence of diverse mortuary practices in the Western Cape, South Africa. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0230391.
Wilkins J, Schoville BJ, Brown KS, Gliganic L, Meyer MC, Loftus E, Pickering R, Collins B, Blackwood AF, Makalima S and Hatton A. 2020. Fabric Analysis and Chronology at Ga-Mohana Hill North Rockshelter, Southern Kalahari Basin: Evidence for In Situ, Stratified Middle and Later Stone Age Deposits. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, pp.1-26.
Loftus E, Pargeter J, Mackay A, Stewart B, Mitchell P. 2019. Late Pleistocene human occupation in the Maloti-Drakensberg region of southern Africa: new radiocarbon dates from Rose Cottage Cave and inter-site comparisons. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 56: 101117.
Loftus E, Mitchell P, Bronk Ramsey, C. 2019. An archaeological radiocarbon database for southern Africa. Antiquity. 93: 870-885.
Loftus E, Lee-Thorp J, Leng M, Marean C, Sealy J. 2019. Seasonal scheduling of shellfish collection in the Middle and Later Stone Ages of southern Africa. Journal of Human Evolution. 128: 1-16.
Hare V, Loftus E. 2018. Scientific dating methods in African archaeology. Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of African History. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.209.
Pargeter J, Loftus E, Mackay A, Mitchell P, Stewart B. 2018. New ages from Boomplaas Cave provide increased resolution on late/terminal Pleistocene human behavioural variability. Azania: African Archaeological Research. 53:2, 156-184.
Hare VJ, Loftus E, Jeffrey A, Bronk Ramsey, C. 2018. Atmospheric CO2 control on fossil carbon isotopes. Nature Communications. 9: 252.
Loftus E, Sealy J, Leng M, Lee-Thorp J. 2017. A late Quaternary record of seasonal sea surface temperatures off southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews. 171: 73-84.
Pargeter J, Loftus E, Mitchell P. 2017. New ages from Sehonghong rockshelter: implications for the Pleistocene occupation of highland Lesotho. J. of Archaeological Science Reports. 12: 307–315.
Galimberti M, Loftus E, Sealy J. 2017. Investigating δ18O of Turbo sarmaticus (L. 1758) as an indicator of sea surface temperatures. Palaeo3. 484: 62-69.
Loftus E, Roberts P, Lee-Thorp J. 2016 Invited Review: An isotopic generation: Four decades of stable isotope analysis in African archaeology. Azania: African Archaeological Research. 51(1): 88-114.
Loftus E, Sealy J, Lee-Thorp J. 2016. New radiocarbon dates and Bayesian models for Nelson Bay Cave and Byneskranskop 1: implications for the South African Later Stone Age sequence. Radiocarbon. 58(2):365-381.
Sealy J, Lee-Thorp J, Loftus E, Faith, JT, Marean, CW. 2016. Late Quaternary environmental change in the Southern Cape, South Africa, from stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in faunal enamel from Boomplaas. J. of Quaternary Science. 31(8): 919-927.
Loftus E, Rogers K, Lee-Thorp J. 2015. A simple method to establish calcite:aragonite ratios in archaeological mollusc shells. J. of Quaternary Science. 30(8):731-735.
Loftus E, Stewart BA, Dewar G, Lee-Thorp J. 2015. Stable isotope evidence of late MIS 3 to middle Holocene palaeoenvironments from Sehonghong Rockshelter, eastern Lesotho. J. of Quaternary Science 30(8): 805-816.
Loftus E, Sealy JC. 2012. Interpreting stable carbon isotopes in human tooth enamel: an examination of tissue spacings from South Africa. American J. of Physical Anthropology 147 (3): 499–507.